Teen Remembrances: World War II Pacific Action on LST- 801 – Book Reviews

Teen Remembrances: World War II Pacific Action on LST- 801

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This true-to-life story narrates the unforgettable experiences of an American veteran. During the prewar era, the navy veteran and his family were already exposed to chaos that was happening in different parts of the world thru the events they heard on the radio until such time that they themselves were all required to cooperate in the war. The author, a U.S. Navy veteran, and his brothers who were in the army and defense plant were all assigned to various places to participate in the war while his parents also took roles in helping the war effort, with his father working as an air raid warden.

The story is inspiring because as readers, we will know how heroic the veterans were during the World War II. Their struggle was real and definitely not easy. A lot of people died, and one would just be lucky to be alive during that time. We realize that people nowadays do not reflect how hard life was during the times of the war. But here, it was narrated in quick detail how the people survived with all traumatic events that were surrounding them, considering they were just receiving K rations and sometimes none at all. The main character in this true-to-life story have experienced the worst events during the battle.

As ordinary citizens, we may experience panic and fear when we hear a single gunshot, but as I read this book, gunshots and bombings are commonplace during the war. People’s life during the 1940 to 1945 were not normal at all, as narrated in the book, and you can imagine something like what would I do if this occurrences would happen today? When the American fighters defended their country and other nation’s territory, they fought the powerful fighters in the world who wouldn’t accept defeat at all. But regardless who won or surrendered in the end, Americans, Japs and all those involved had made history, which until now would never be forgotten.

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